Introduction of karate(part10) - OSS!!

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Hello!This article is the final one about introduction of karate!So, I chose "Oss,, for the theme of this article.

"Oss,,(押忍)is the word which is used for greeting,replying and so on.In this time,Oss is used not only by people who have relation to Budo(武道)but also by people who don't.Oss has two meanings.One is that,not for miss hearing instruction and opinion of masters and superiors,we leave our own knowledge or opinion and accept them obediently.The other is to endure hardships of practice and adversity and to positiveness for development.In addition, it is said that respect for masters ,superiors, friends at the same year and juniors is included.
 The origin is おはようございます(Ohayogozaimasu,hello).The greeting was shortened to Oss. 

OK! That's all about introduction of karate! I might be not able to write all and details about karate but I think you will understand the concept of karate.  If you have some questions,please write comments and I'll reply.See you! Oss!

Introduction of karate(part9) - Karate clubs in University of Tsukuba

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Hello!This time, I`ll introduce karate clubs in University of Tsukuba!!

1空手道部(Karatedo club)
2医学空手道部(Med-Karatedo club)
3武道護身空手部(Institute of Selfdefense Karate)
4極真空手同好会(Kyokushin karate club)

1 空手道部(Karatedo club)
 The Karatedo club is  the most oldest club of 4 clubs.This club was established at the age of 東京教育大学(Tokyo University of Education) as a 和道流(Wado school) karate club and Otsuka Hironori(大塚 博紀),the originator of Wado school,often came to teach.The master is a teacher of Chiba University,who graduated from University of Tsukuba. 
 Schedule of practice:

    ・Monday~Friday... 17:30〜19:30 @ Gymnasium of martial arts(武道館)  focusing on kumite practice
  ・Saturday...9:30~11:30 @ Gymnasium of martial arts(武道館) focusing on kata practice 

2 医学空手道部(Med-karatedo club)
 The Med-karatedo club is Shotokan school (松濤館流)karatedo club.This club is originally established for students of School of Medicine but now students in every schools can join.I belong to this club and I think one of the advantages of joining this club is that I can make friends of School of Medicine! The atmosphere of this club is so homelike that I like this club!!The master comes from dojo in Ishige city.
 Scedule of practice:
 ・Monday and Wednesday... 19:00~21:00 @ gym at Azuma junior high school
   ・Saturday... 14:00~17:00 @  Gymnasium of martial arts(武道館)

3 武道護身空手部(Institute of Self defense Karate)
 The school of Institute of Self defense Karate is 日本武道空手玄和会(Genwakai),one of the organization of Karate with special protector.In practice, some kinds of tools like wood katana are used. The master is the teacher of University of Tsukuba who has 5 dan.
 Schedule of practice:
  ・Wednesday, Thursday,Friday...17:00~18:00 @ Gymnasium of martial arts(武道館)

4 極真空手同好会(Kyokushin karate club)
 This club is Kyokushin karate club.This club put emphasis on kihon and kata practice for beginners.
  Schedule of practice:
  ・Saturday     ...17:00~19:00     Gymnasium of martial arts(武道館)

<Reference> 医学空手道部 極真空手同好会 武道護身空手部 空手道部 日本空手道玄和会 Wikipedia

Introduction of karate(part8) - Entertainment about karate

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 Hello!  Following previous part,I' show you interesting information! This time, I'll show you entertainment about karate.

1.TV programs

1.TV programs

 There are the programs that broadcast contents of  karate games.Many programs are about Full-contact karate games but games  about  traditional schools are also broadcast.For example,「全日本空手道選手権大会(All Japan Karate Championship,Shotokan school) 」and 「世界最強の空手家は誰だ!?全世界空手道選手権大会(World Karate Championship)

(Kyokushin karate)]has been broadcast.

・Animation 「空手バカ一代」(Karate Baka Ichidai) 

  This animation was broadcast in 1973-1974 and based on comic.The hero is named 飛鳥拳(Asuka Ken) ,whose model is 大山 倍達 (Oyama Masutsu) and the whole story is based on his life. In this animation, many episodes about Oyama are described.These episodes surely include fiction but it is said that most part of episodes are true.The famous episodes are, for example,fighting with  a fighting bull, cutting a bottle by chop,and beating many players of various kinds of martial arts. Because of this animation,the number of people who practice karate,especially Kyokushin karate,increase very much.

  This movie was released in 2007.Surprisingly, 2of3of main character are masters of traditional karate! So,different from action movie like Horrywood,we can watch fights by karate.I!show you the plot.
  Plot:The events take place in 1932 in Japanese-occupied Manchuria, in which the corrupt leaders of the Japanese army are trying to take over all the Karate dojos for their own personal benefit. Amidst these circumstances the master of one of these dojos dies before passing on the Kuroobi to his successor, leaving three of his pupils (Taikan (Tatsuya Naka), Giryu (Akihito Yagi) and Choei (Yuji Suzuki)) the task of deciding amongst themselves who deserves it most. After they bury their master, they are forced to leave the dojo and join the Japanese army. At this point, their journey leads them on rather different paths both in life and in the understanding of their master's teachings of martial arts, only to reunite them at the end.
  Apart from this,There are other movie such as ハイキック・ガール(Highkick girl) and KG karate girl.They are also fun but I recommend this movie!

OK! Next time,I'll show you karate clubs in University of Tsukuba.

Introduction of karate(part7) - Famous persons and schools

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Hello! Until previous part,I have explain the detail of karate.Some parts of the ariticles may not be understood but  ,from this article ,I'll give you some  information that you will be more interesting in karate from this article. Now,this time I'll show you the famous persons who has Dan(段)and famous schools which won competition many times.


小倉 久寛(Ogura Hisahiro)...松濤館流(Shotokan school),三段(Third Dan) 
 He is a famous narrator.He practiced karate when he was a student of  Gakusyuin University.

島木譲二(Shimaki Jyoji)...極真空手(Kyokushin karate),三段(Third dan)
 He is a comedian of 吉本興業(Yoshimotokougyou),which is one of the most famous company about  entertainment.He  took part in the competition held by 正道会館(Seido kaikan) and fought with 角田 信朗(Tsunoda Nobuaki),who is a famous karate player.

EXILE タカヒロ(EXILE Takahiro)...沖縄剛柔流(Okinawa Goju school),初段(Shodan)
He is a member of EXILE,one of the most famous music artist group.He participated in the national championship and won 5th award.

・吹石 一恵(Fukiishi Kazue)...糸東流(Shito school),初段(Shodan)
She is a famous actress.Because of her karate status,she often plays as a sporty woman.

渡哲也(Watari Tetsuya)...松濤館流(Shotokan school),弐段(Nidan,Second dan)
He is one of the most popular and famous actor of Japan.He practiced karate in Aoyamagakuin University.

安室奈美恵(Amuro Namie)...小林流(Syorin school),初段(Shodan)
She is a famous singer.It is said that she use the way of breath which she learned through the practice of karate.

You may don't know most of the schools below but it will be good to remember some of these!! 
High schools

 京都外大西高校(Kyoto Gaidai Nishi)(Kyoto) 
 拓殖大学付属紅陵高校(Koryo belonging to Takusyoku University) (Chiba)
 御殿場西高校(Gotemba Nishi)(Shizuoka) 
 日本体育大学(Nihon Taiiku)

Thank you for reading to last!Next time I'll show you the TV programs or comics about karate.

<Reference>  Wikipedia 格闘技歴、武道歴のある芸能人一覧 免許のある芸能人

Introduction of karate(part6) - Full-contact karate

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 Hello! This time I'll explain Full-contact karate.

 Full-contact karate is one of the styles of karate.I think this style is  known well as karate.
 It is known that the Full-contact karate was started by 大山 倍達(Oyama Masutatsu,known as God hand),who originate 極真会館(Kyokushin kaikan) and that  Full-contact karate is newer than traditional style.But ,exactly,Full-contact  karate  style is done from Ryukyu kingdom era.In that time,Tudi players had match on the street and fight by Full-contact.After fighting,players advise about each other's techniques.That match was called 掛け試し(Kakedameshi).And there had been some attempts to establish Full-contact karate before and after WW2.
 In 1969,大山 倍達(Oyama Masutatsu) established 極真会館(Kyokushin kaikan).He emphasized  Full-contact style karate and he adopted essence of various martial arts such as 太極拳(Taikyokuken),boxing,kick boxing and so on.But he also adopted many katas based on traditional schools ,especially 剛柔流(Goju school) ,which he had practiced.

In match,players don't wear any guards and fight by bare hands and feet.

Kyokushin kaikan is one of the famous Full contact karate organization.But  there is other branch 
organizations such as 芦原会館(Ashiwara kaikan),正道会館(Seido kaikan),佐藤塾(Sato juku).So,Full-contact karate is also called 極真空手(Kyokushin karate).

In addition,there are some organizations adopt judo-like techniques  and other fighting techniques such as attack by elbow and head ,ground punch.For example,大道塾 空道(Daidojuku kudo).

Next,I'll show you the famous people,and school about karate.

<Reference> 極真 型動画 大道塾 空道 空手の違い 空手テクニック&ルール概略 Wikipedia フルコンタクト 空手

Introduction of karate(part5) - Traditional school

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  Hello! This time I'll show you about traditional school(伝統派) of karate.
  Different from judo, karate has enormous schools.Every schools have own form of techniques so we are often confused.
  Most of schools are categorized into about 2 types.

・伝統派(traditional school)
・フルコンタクト空手(Full-contact karate)
 Now I'll show you about traditional schools.
  Traditional schools are Japanese traditional schools existed from 17or18 century(see part3 of this blog)and  many other schools like  Full-contact karate are based on these traditional schools.Kumite style of traditional schools is called 当て止め(atedome)or寸止め(sunndome)which means soft attack.(see the movie of match → In addition,most of  main organizations of these schools join 全日本空手道連盟(Japan Karate Federation,JKF).
 In kumite match,players wear some guards on their fists ,feet,and head.But the guard on head isn't wore often. 

  First,I'll show you 四大流派(yondai-ryuuha,the big four schools).
  The big four schools are...

・Shotokan school(松濤館流)
・Goju school(剛柔流)
・Shito school(糸東流)
・Wado school(和道流)
and these schools have own main Kata.
1.Shotokan school(松濤館流)
Funakoshi Gichin(船越 義珍、冨名腰 義珍)
  Shotokan school was began by Funakoshi Gichin.In 1921, he demonstrated Karate in front of Syowa Tenno.After he came to main island of Japan,in 1922,he taught karate in Koudoukan 
because he was asked to do by Kano Jigoro,who is famous founder of Judo. The origin of name of Shotokan is his penname and name of his dojo.It is said that taekwondo(テコンドー)drive form this school.The main Katas of this school are are 慈恩(jion),鉄騎(tekki),壮鎮(sochin),and観空(kanku).The famous organization of this school is 社団法人 日本空手協会(Japan Karate Association,JKA).
  2.Goju school(剛柔流)
 Miyagi Tyoujun(宮城 長順)
  Goju School was started by Miyagi Tyoujun.He was told to train Chinese kung fu by his master and went to china in 1803.While he trained very hard,he studied kung hu logically.Then he compared kung fu to Tee and originate Goju school.He named Goju school in relation to Chinese 
books. The main katas of this school are 征遠鎮(seienchin),壱百零八手(suparrinpei),撃砕(gekisai)and 十八手(seipai).The main organization is 全日本空手道連盟剛柔会(Gojukai).
  3.Shito school(糸東流)
 Mabuni Kenwa(摩文仁 賢和)
  Shito school was started by Mabuni Kenwa.He practiced not only karate but old Ryukyu martial arts like 棒術(stick technique),双節棍(nunchakus).So ,in practice of this school, throwing and 逆技(move that twists one of the opponent's joints)are taught as well as punching and kicking.The name of 糸東(Shito) derives from Mabuni's master's name(糸 means 糸洲安恒Itosu Ankou,and 東 means 東恩納寛量Higaonnna Kanryo.)The main katas of this school are 松風(matsukaze),腕秀(wansyu)and 公相君小(koshokunsyo).The main organization is 全日本空手道連盟糸東会(Shitokai).
  4.Wado school(和道流)
Otsuka Hironori(大塚 博紀)
  Wado school was initiated by Otsuka Hironori.He originally practiced judo and began studying karate.After mastering judo,he began Wado school  mixing the essence of judo and kendo.He named this school  Wado because he think the word 和(wa)is the most familiar for Japanese.
The main katas of this school are 平安(heian),鎮東(chinto)and Seishan.The main organization is 全日本空手道連盟和道会(Wadokai)

  Second,there are some schools called 沖縄三大流派(okinawa sandai ryuha,The Okinawan big three schools).They are Goju school,Shorin school(小林流)and Uechi school(上地流).They are also traditional schools but many of them don't join JKF.These schools put emphasis on old style of practice using tools or techniques like judo which was adopted by Ti or Tudi.In a sense,these schools will be the true traditional schools.Other than The Okinawan big three schools,there are many Okinawan traditional schools. The main organizations of these schools are 沖縄県空手道連盟 (Okinawa prefecture Karate Federation) and 全沖縄空手道連盟 (All Okinawa  Karate Federation).The former joins JKF but the latter doesn't.

  Finally,I'll introduce 防具付き空手(Kararte with special protector).In almost all traditional schools ,people put on some protector.But In the schools which are included in this category ,people do kumite with special  hard protector.  In Kumite of Karate with special protector,  the power of attack is emphasized.Therefore the special protectors were invented.The famous organization is 全日本空手道連盟錬武会(Renbukai).

OK.Next time I'll show you about Full-contact karate.If you know more about traditional schools ,check out  web sites below!!

<References> 見る空手ブログ 空手入門 空手の歴史 Wikipedia 空手道 社団法人日本空手協会 空手テクニック&ルール概略 空手の違い 王修会 日本支部ブログ ~ 正統 沖縄小林流空手 古武道を学ぶ ~

Which Budo do you think is the most popular Budo of Japan?