Hello! This time I'll show you about traditional school(伝統派) of karate.
Different from judo, karate has enormous schools.Every schools have own form of techniques so we are often confused.
Most of schools are categorized into about 2 types.
・伝統派(traditional school)
・フルコンタクト空手(Full-contact karate)
Now I'll show you about traditional schools.
Traditional schools are Japanese traditional schools existed from 17or18 century(see part3 of this blog)and many other schools like Full-contact karate are based on these traditional schools.Kumite style of traditional schools is called 当て止め(atedome)or寸止め(sunndome)which means soft attack.(see the movie of match → http://bit.ly/yTJE8n). In addition,most of main organizations of these schools join 全日本空手道連盟(Japan Karate Federation,JKF).
In kumite match,players wear some guards on their fists ,feet,and head.But the guard on head isn't wore often.

First,I'll show you 四大流派(yondai-ryuuha,the big four schools).
The big four schools are...
・Shotokan school(松濤館流)
・Goju school(剛柔流)
・Shito school(糸東流)
・Wado school(和道流)
and these schools have own main Kata.
1.Shotokan school(松濤館流)
Funakoshi Gichin(船越 義珍、冨名腰 義珍)
Shotokan school was began by Funakoshi Gichin.In 1921, he demonstrated Karate in front of Syowa Tenno.After he came to main island of Japan,in 1922,he taught karate in Koudoukan
because he was asked to do by Kano Jigoro,who is famous founder of Judo. The origin of name of Shotokan is his penname and name of his dojo.It is said that taekwondo(テコンドー)drive form this school.The main Katas of this school are are 慈恩(jion),鉄騎(tekki),壮鎮(sochin),and観空(kanku).The famous organization of this school is 社団法人 日本空手協会(Japan Karate Association,JKA).
2.Goju school(剛柔流)
Miyagi Tyoujun(宮城 長順)
Goju School was started by Miyagi Tyoujun.He was told to train Chinese kung fu by his master and went to china in 1803.While he trained very hard,he studied kung hu logically.Then he compared kung fu to Tee and originate Goju school.He named Goju school in relation to Chinese
books. The main katas of this school are 征遠鎮(seienchin),壱百零八手(suparrinpei),撃砕(gekisai)and 十八手(seipai).The main organization is 全日本空手道連盟剛柔会(Gojukai).
3.Shito school(糸東流)
Mabuni Kenwa(摩文仁 賢和)
Shito school was started by Mabuni Kenwa.He practiced not only karate but old Ryukyu martial arts like 棒術(stick technique),双節棍(nunchakus).So ,in practice of this school, throwing and 逆技(move that twists one of the opponent's joints)are taught as well as punching and kicking.The name of 糸東(Shito) derives from Mabuni's master's name(糸 means 糸洲安恒Itosu Ankou,and 東 means 東恩納寛量Higaonnna Kanryo.)The main katas of this school are 松風(matsukaze),腕秀(wansyu)and 公相君小(koshokunsyo).The main organization is 全日本空手道連盟糸東会(Shitokai).
4.Wado school(和道流)
Otsuka Hironori(大塚 博紀)
Wado school was initiated by Otsuka Hironori.He originally practiced judo and began studying karate.After mastering judo,he began Wado school mixing the essence of judo and kendo.He named this school Wado because he think the word 和(wa)is the most familiar for Japanese.
The main katas of this school are 平安(heian),鎮東(chinto)and Seishan.The main organization is 全日本空手道連盟和道会(Wadokai)
Second,there are some schools called 沖縄三大流派(okinawa sandai ryuha,The Okinawan big three schools).They are Goju school,Shorin school(小林流)and Uechi school(上地流).They are also traditional schools but many of them don't join JKF.These schools put emphasis on old style of practice using tools or techniques like judo which was adopted by Ti or Tudi.In a sense,these schools will be the true traditional schools.Other than The Okinawan big three schools,there are many Okinawan traditional schools. The main organizations of these schools are 沖縄県空手道連盟 (Okinawa prefecture Karate Federation) and 全沖縄空手道連盟 (All Okinawa Karate Federation).The former joins JKF but the latter doesn't.
Finally,I'll introduce 防具付き空手(Kararte with special protector).In almost all traditional schools ,people put on some protector.But In the schools which are included in this category ,people do kumite with special hard protector. In Kumite of Karate with special protector, the power of attack is emphasized.Therefore the special protectors were invented.The famous organization is 全日本空手道連盟錬武会(Renbukai).

OK.Next time I'll show you about Full-contact karate.If you know more about traditional schools ,check out web sites below!!
http://sousinkan.i-yoblog.com/ 見る空手ブログ
http://budoukarate.ninja-mania.jp/index.html 空手入門
http://www.geocities.co.jp/Athlete-Athene/9993/ 空手の歴史
http://bit.ly/AjsmC6 Wikipedia 空手道
http://www.jka.or.jp/index2.htm 社団法人日本空手協会
http://fukushodo.com/sub3/karateryuuha.html#kousiki 空手テクニック&ルール概略
http://karate.ninpou.jp/ 空手の違い
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/oshukai/ 王修会 日本支部ブログ ~ 正統 沖縄小林流空手 古武道を学ぶ ~