Hello!This article is the final one about introduction of karate!So, I chose "Oss,, for the theme of this article.
"Oss,,(押忍)is the word which is used for greeting,replying and so on.In this time,Oss is used not only by people who have relation to Budo(武道)but also by people who don't.Oss has two meanings.One is that,not for miss hearing instruction and opinion of masters and superiors,we leave our own knowledge or opinion and accept them obediently.The other is to endure hardships of practice and adversity and to positiveness for development.In addition, it is said that respect for masters ,superiors, friends at the same year and juniors is included.
The origin is おはようございます(Ohayogozaimasu,hello).The greeting was shortened to Oss.
OK! That's all about introduction of karate! I might be not able to write all and details about karate but I think you will understand the concept of karate. If you have some questions,please write comments and I'll reply.See you! Oss!
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