Today,I'll show you about the way of training .
In karate practice(Keiko 稽古),we practice 4 type trainings,Kihon (基本,means basic training),Ido kihon(移動基本,means moving training),Kata (型,means training of forms),and Kumite(組手,means fighting training).
1.Kihon (基本)
Kihon is the most basic training of karate.In kihon, we practice attack and protect techniques such as 突き(tsuki,punching) ,蹴り(keri,kicking),受け(uke,protecting) and 立ち方(tachikata,standing form). Through this practice we can learn basic techniques of Karate.In addition, we can also learn the way we use many parts of our body to do keri and tsuki effectively,which is very important.For example, learning how to twist waist helps us doing uke and keri.
2 Ido kihon(移動基本)
Ido kihon is also important.While we practice techniques on the spot in Kihon,we practice moving forward and backward.In Ido kihon,we practice more various techniques than Kihon.
We can learn the way we do tsuki and keri in moving and how we connect the power of moving with attack.
ex) 追い付き(Oizuki),揚げ受け逆付き(Ageukegyakuduki),横蹴込み(Yokokekomi)
3 Kata(型)
Kata is the training in which we do the techniques in order.Kata also means the forms of combination of techniques. There are many types and differences of Kata between schools .But the aim of Kata is the same. The aim of Kata is that we learn the way we put those techniques to practical use .
ex)平安五段(Heian godan),観空大(Kankuudai),征遠鎮(Seienchin)
Here is the movie of demonstration of Seienchin.
Kumite is the fighting training by two persons.This trainig has two types.Yakusoku Kumite(約束組手)and Jiyu kumite(自由組手).While in Yakusoku Kumite, they attack and protect following an order,in Jiyu Kumite, they fighting practically.The way of Kumite is also different between schools.
Kihon and Ido Kihon are the base of Kata and Kumite but the balance of emphasis between Kata and Kumite is different from schools. Most of traditional schools put emphasis on both of them but some of schools put emphasis on Kumite. time,I'll introduce origin and history.
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